The Best 5 Step Sales Process to Increase your business profit

The Best 5 Step Sales Process to Increase your business profit

My name is Murray Parr, and I am a Sales Coach. I have been a successful small business owner for the past 40 years.

  1.  Do you struggle connecting with your potential purchaser?
  2. Are you unsure what questions you should ask to clinch the sale?
  3. Do you find yourself guessing how to best meet your purchaser’s needs?
  4. Do you find it hard to convince your purchaser to buy your product or service?
  5. Do some of your buyers walk out the door without having purchased from you, and probably heading to your competitor? 

I coach small business owners and their teams to get back to the basics, specifically teaching the NLP (neuro linguistic programming)

5 Step Sales Process:

Many small business owners offer a great service or product but struggle to get it into the hands of their buyers. What if you could increase your sales by 20%, would that make a difference to your profit? What if your team doubled their sales consistently each month?

Here are the 5 steps that you, the business owner, and your sales team need to know.

  1. Building Rapport – Imagine building a strong connection with your client in under 3- 9 minutes
  2. Ask Questions- Asking the right questions will give you the information you need as to how you can best help your client.
  3. Find the need- Once you know specifically what your client wants, you can then serve them appropriately based on their answer.
  4. Give value- Assuming you have the answer to their problem you can then offer your product or service as the solution.
  5. Closing the sale – Completes the process with a win/win for both. 

Ask yourself the question; Is my business where I want it to be, Do I or my team need assistance to get sales moving? If you answered yes to either of these questions, I might just have the solution you’re after.

Jump on my website and book your spot for an initial consultation.

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