
Next to smoking, over eating is one of the most widespread harmful habits in modern western society. It can lead to obesity, and a variety of health and social problems. The unfair part is that, while some people can seemingly eat as much as they want without putting on so much as 500 grams. Others can pile on the kilos very easily. For these individuals the constant cycle of diets, watching the kilos go on, then yet more dieting, can be disheartening. It is hard to change these eating habits. The sad fact is that many people who succeed in losing weight through diet eventually do put that weight back on again.

Hypnosis can help people trapped in this vicious cycle by reprogramming their unconscious mind to want less food. To eat less fattening foods and to think and behave like a thin person. Powerful suggestions can be implanted during a relaxing trance to gain control to stop the client from wanting to snack between meals, or eat junk food, or sweets while watching television or surfing the Internet. Instead, these habits will be replaced with new ones. Such as eating fruit, drinking water eating clean healthy food. Taking exercises or taking the dog for a walk. Used together with a diet programme, hypnosis is a very effective tool for permanent weight loss.

For people with a weight problem, hypnosis can be employed to help you start to think thin . Used together with a sensible diet, hypnosis can be of real benefit for someone trying to lose that post Christmas, New Year unwanted kilos.

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