
Sleep is something we all need. Being unable to get to sleep or waking up habitually early can make us feel tired and stressed throughout the day. Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy and NLP (neuro linguistic programming) is frequently used as a wonderful treatment for sleep problems. During a trance, Murray will suggest to the client that s/he will sleep easily and throughout the night. And that s/he will awaken at the normal time feeling relaxed and refreshed. Sometimes Murray will suggest trigger points that will induce sleep. Such as holding the pillow in a certain way or facing in a certain direction.

Murray will be careful, though, to suggest that patients will awake when they have to; he doesn’t want to discourage necessary visits to the bathroom for example. If an emergency such as a fire occurs, a person will naturally awaken anyway. Thanks to the human instinct for self preservation. The unconscious mind acts in the way it believes best protects and preserves the individual.

Another technique is for clients to visualize themselves asleep in their bed as time passes. Seeing how they are getting a good night’s sleep and embedding this suggestion in the unconscious mind.

Nightmares, too, can be resolved by hypnosis. A simple suggestion can tell the unconscious that when the bad dream starts a different ending will occur, that the client will switch to another, nicer dream, or maybe become a hero and alter the outcome.

Using hypnosis, the client will not only learn how to get to sleep at night, but thanks to the power of suggestion s/he will often find s/he wakes up feeling more rested than usual.

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