Fresh Start for Singles

Many people are quite happy to be on their own, and that is of course each person’s decision. But what if YOU weren’t happy to be alone? What if YOU wanted more?

Murray Parr, Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer, says that he has identified two main reasons why people would rather spend their alone time tucked up in bed with a good book and a dog or cat by their side.

The first reason is people know that they have unresolved stuff stored away somewhere inside themselves, and they know their stuff and have become used to their stuff. So why on earth would they want to start a relationship with someone else who has their own unresolved stuff?

The second reason is this. People don’t know where to go to meet other people, who don’t have stuff?

These two reasons will be addressed at Murray’s next “Fresh Start for Singles” seminar March 9 and 10, 2019.

Murray has for many years dreamed of inviting single people to an event where people of all different ages could meet others in a supported environment and let go of past hurts and clean the slate, so to speak.

What if YOU came along to this seminar with a willingness to learn some techniques to let go of past negative issues and limiting beliefs about yourself and set a simple goal for the future that would allow YOU to make a “Fresh Start”

If meeting a bunch of like-minded people, all wanting to create their own “Fresh Start” is of interest to YOU then call Murray now on Mob: 0414 399 658 or simply go to
Go ahead and book your seat and take advantage of the early bird price.

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