Difficulty with Relationships

Social timidity can effect your ability to make friends and form relationships. In these cases the hypnotist can work with clients in much the same way as for shyness. A powerful combination of Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy can strengthen your confidence in social situations. The client will imagine themselves able to meet and make new friends with greater ease.

Another role for Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy however is in helping existing relationships. Often relationships and marriages can go through challenging times for no obvious reasons. Or perhaps a fierce difference of opinion between two otherwise good friends might create an unseen wall between them. The same goes for relationships within families, where long-forgotten and trivial arguments can separate families causing deep divisions.

Murray uses a combination of Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to overcome these difficulties. What you thought of as a problematic relationship will now have new options and pathways. Both old and new issues can be confronted and overcome by allowing the parties to see that the underlying relationship is strong. Murray is passionate about healthy empowering relationships. However this powerful therapy is, of course, much more effective if both parties agree to undergo it.

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