Create the result you want with effective communication

Hi, my name is Murray Parr, and I am a Communication Coach.

  1. Do you find that people seem to misunderstand you most of the time?
  2. Have you lost your confidence in talking with people?
  3. Do you struggle with being accepted for who you really are?
  4. Are relationships in general difficult for you to maintain for some unknown reason?
  5. Do you have a fear of public speaking?

Words and the patterns of words are unique to human beings. The study of how language has been and can be used to impact people’s lives is revealing. The power of words can be used to be either helpful or harmful. Mankind, from the beginning, has used language in two ways:

  1. Firstly, to represent experiences (reasoning, thinking, fantasising, and rehearsing).
  2. Secondly to communicate (talking, discussing, writing, teaching, singing, etc)

Sparking up a conversation can sometimes seem difficult. With long-time friends or someone we’ve just met, we may still often struggle to find something we can talk about.

The quality of our lives is defined by the quality of our relationships, and all healthy relationships start with good communication.

All my clients begin to learn from their first session and report back that they notice their relationships growing stronger as they learn how to better share and listen.

If you would like to improve your personal relationships through learning better communication techniques, book your initial consultation with me now.

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