Case Study 1

My name is Betty, and I am 82 years of age. Recently I have been putting on weight and I wasn’t happy with the spare tyre around my middle. I approached my local doctor to see if he could help me lose weight. When he told me that I didn’t need to bother at my age, I became cross.

That’s when I read about Murray Parr in the local newspaper. His advertisement discussed losing weight through hypnotherapy and I was curious. I made up my mind to visit Murray at his office and drove down to see if I could make an appointment. It just so happened that he was sitting behind the reception desk, so I just boldly approached him and came straight out with it. I asked Murray if he thought I was too old to lose weight and his response was “Do you think you are too old to lose weight?” I replied, “NO I am not too old”. Murray said, “Great! I will take you on as my client”, and I booked my first session with him then and there.

Right from the very beginning I knew that with Murray’s help I could lose ten kilograms. Murray told me stories and hypnotised me over three separate appointments. In the first month I lost 3 kilos and I was happy. I bought a stationary bike and a portable TV to watch while I was riding my bike. I started with only pedaling for 2 minutes. Each day I increased the time and after a month I was enjoying myself and spending 20 minutes on my bike per session. I changed my diet, and the kilos came off. I had set a goal with Murray to lose 10 kilograms in 6 months.

Murray helped me visualize myself wearing my new red swimming costume down at the beach. He told me to email him the day I reached my goal and walked on the beach. Thanks to Murray I lost those 10 kilos in 6 months and achieved my goal. I felt so proud of myself. I would highly recommend his services to anyone wanting to do the same.

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