Bin your Negative Thoughts rather than Recycle them

Murray Parr takes your Rubbish out.

How’s your bin looking?

Murray Parr specialises in sorting out people’s rubbish bins, washing them and returning them clean. He’s a garbage bin man he says!

Sometimes what was meant for the Red bin he finds in the Yellow Recycle or the Green Organics bins.

This garbage sorting is a metaphor for our negative emotions and how they end up in the wrong bin, being recycled throughout our lives as “triggers”, controlling relationships, health, careers and so much more.

Murray will empower you to sort out which emotions you should keep and which ones should be thrown into the Red bin.

He is a highly respected Mental Health & High-Performance Coach who has empowered many people over the years to move forward positively in their lives.

Let him help you sort out your “rubbish” by calling him on 0414399658 for a free 15 min chat.

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