DISCOVER your strengths at the Breakthrough Towards Health and Wellness Seminar

DISCOVER your true strengths and capabilities at the Breakthrough Towards Health and Wellness Seminar.

Held at Ballina’s Ramada Hotel and Suits, Murray Parr invites you to learn how your unconscious mind holds the key to healthy living. On Saturday October 20 and Sunday October 21.

“I am always in awe when I hear from each client in terms of what you can do when you set your mind to it.” Murray explained. With a volume of scientific study supporting his beliefs.
“As we think, so we become.” That means we change the physical nature of our brain moment to moment for good or not so good.
“As we consciously focus our thinking. We can wire out toxic patterns of thinking and replace them with healthy thinking in an instant.”

With scientists beginning to see the brain as being malleable and adaptable, it is no longer viewed as a machine that is hard wired early in life, but rather our neurology that changes day to day right down to the cellular level.

For those who find themselves relating to any of the below, this seminar will be the perfect opportunity for you;

  • Do you want to increase your energy flow through the whole body?
  • Would being in control of your weight be of interest to you?
  • Do you want to learn how to safely, let go of past negative emotions and start fresh?
  • Would you like to learn how to focus on what you want and get what you want?
  • Does creating a simple goal in the future towards your health and wellness grab your attention?

Call Murray Parr now and book your seat at his powerful “Breakthrough Towards Health and Wellness” Seminar.

Call Mob: 0414 399 658 for more information or visit for the exclusive early bird rate or ‘Bring a Friend’ rate.

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