Anxiety and Depression

Imagine a life without anxiety and depression… can you?

If you could learn to create new strategies and unlearn the old ones that don’t work. What would that be worth to you?
Is it time to focus on what you want, instead of what you don’t want?

How common is Anxiety and Depression

According to statistics provided by Beyondblue. It is estimated that in any one year, around 1 million Australian adults will experience depression, and more than 2 million will have anxiety.
This is an alarming statistic and a reason why there has been a lot of focus in the media on the rise of anxiety across society, but the rise in children in particular. The rise of mental ill health is having a huge impact upon learning outcomes, social skills and productivity. Not to mention increasing suicide rates, drug use and a whole host of other debilitating and negative outcomes.

Social media and its unrelenting, voracious appetite and attention seeking is a big contributor. Our kids are the first generation to be born into a 24/7 digital world and the constant connection it demands. Their exhausted, time –poor and distracted parents are equally attached and plugged in to the same online world. Face book, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, email, news, events, and the constant stream of information is literally driving us crazy. And sadly our kids are feeling it too.

Murray Parr’s Breakthrough sessions are 100% guaranteed when you commit to this powerful 8 hour process that is specifically designed to get you what you really want in life.

Murray is a Master Practitioner in NLP, Time Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching. He is also a trainer in all 4 certificates and holds weekend workshops for people interested in self development or a new career.

Change your life, make a decision and call Murray now!

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