
Phobias can make our lives a misery. To the outsider these fears appear- and indeed are –utterly illogical and irrational. To the person with the phobia, however, the fear is all too real. There are many, many different phobias; in fact, a person can have a phobia about almost anything. Common ones include fear of flying, fear of rodents, fear of spiders, fear of heights, and fear of open spaces. Others include a phobia of crossing the road, oceans, computers, cats, dog’s, snakes and the list goes on.

Very often the phobia is obscure enough that we don’t have to worry too much about it. For example if you have a morbid fear of mountains but spend all your life in on the coastline this phobia is unlikely to cause you many problems. Similarly, having an irrational fear of cows is not going to worry you if you live in Sydney. But very often phobias such as fear of flying, fear of lifts and fear of open spaces, can be major obstacles to living a normal life. In most cases, hypnosis is a very effective tool for removing these irrational fears, and more and more people are turning to the treatment for help.

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