The Ultimate Risk: Choosing Happiness

Happiness is a choice, and often, it feels like the ultimate risk. In my years of coaching and therapy, I’ve encountered many individuals struggling with depression and chronic pessimism. They often find comfort in the familiarity of their sadness, low energy, and other symptoms, making the thought of pursuing happiness daunting. But why is that?

Depression and pessimism can act as a shield, protecting us from disappointment and the fear of the unknown. When we expect the worst, we rarely face unhappy surprises. But this safety comes at a cost: it limits our potential for joy and fulfillment. Our society encourages us to avoid risks—whether it’s buckling up for safety or steering clear of potential emotional hurt. While these precautions are necessary, they can also stifle our growth and happiness.

For many, the idea of relinquishing depression feels like stepping into the unknown. Happiness, with all its uncertainties, can seem frightening because it involves the possibility of loss. Yet, all significant accomplishments in life—be it love, career, or personal growth—require taking risks. The fear of failure shouldn’t hold us back from seeking change and happiness.

As a coach and therapist, I’ve seen firsthand how therapy can help people change their attitudes and behaviors. It’s not just about managing symptoms with medication; it’s about engaging in meaningful conversations that lead to real change. The goal is to reintroduce hope and help individuals rediscover their ability to choose behaviors that promote happiness.

If you find yourself stuck, overwhelmed by anxiety, or feeling hopeless, know that you’re not alone. It’s common to feel like your choices are limited, leading to a life that feels smaller and more constrained. But there is a way out. Change is possible, and it starts with a single step: asking yourself, “What am I looking forward to?”

I’m offering coaching sessions to help you navigate these challenges and take the risks necessary for a happier life. Together, we can work on expanding your choices, redefining your perspective, and building a more fulfilling future.


Ready to take the first step towards happiness? Contact me for a coaching session and let’s embark on this journey together. Remember, happiness might be the ultimate risk, but it’s also the ultimate reward.

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