6 Ways to Ease Stress before Bedtime

ease stress

Are you stressed by your daily activities that you find it hard to sleep at night? I hear you, my friend.

Stress is a common problem for many people. It can cause high blood pressure, anxiety, and other health problems. We all know that sleep is important for our physical and mental well-being. Hence, we need to remember that there are some things we can do before bedtime to relieve stress and help us have a more sound slumber.

We have listed six ways to ease stress before bedtime:

  1. Consider a bath or shower

One of the best ways to relax before bed is to take a bath or shower. This will help you fall asleep faster and more deeply. The warm water will also help relieve that tension in your muscles that have built up throughout the day.

  1. Listen to soothing music

Listening to soothing music can bring you some relief from stress. For example, listening to calming music such as classical music, country and western or jazz, and lofi music is said to help people relax and reduce stress. A study suggested that relaxing or calming music triggers the release of endorphins – our body’s natural painkiller.

  1. Do Breathing Exercises

You can try deep breathing or mindfulness exercises before bedtime. A study suggests that you inhale for 4 seconds, then exhale for 4 seconds, or rhythmically breathe in for 5 counts and then out for 5 counts. This type of breathing is good if you need to reduce panic or anxiety levels, as it works by slowing down your heart rate and decreasing the production of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol which can make us feel stressed and restless. 

  1. Read and Write a Journal 

Reading a book or magazine before bed is an easy way to relax and decompress after a stressful day. Choose something that will calm your brain, like poetry or fiction. Writing a journal is also one relaxation exercise that has been proven effective for many people who are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. According to Dr. Mike, a Youtube star doctor, writing a journal can help you identify what sources of stress bother you the most and how you might be able to reduce them in your life. 

  1. Meditate 

Yoga is good for reducing stress and anxiety because it helps you release tension in your body while also focusing your mind on the present moment instead of the past or future.

  1. Take a stroll

A nighttime walk is an easy way to reset your mind before bedtime. It can help you wind down, think about things less strenuously, and provide some nice scenery. Walking down the block gives your body time to slow down and re-energise after a long day on your feet. It also provides an opportunity for some end-of-the-day reflection that might otherwise be crowded out by other evening activities. So, put on some comfy clothes, lace up those shoes, and take a stroll in the neighbourhood!

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